Reign Of Titans Is Now Available On Play Store And App Store In India
The Reign of Titan has now been officially released in India and is available on Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
Reign Of Titans Is Now Available On Play Store And App Store In India

The Reign of Titan, which transports players to the World of Ereo—a mystical and fascinating place bound together by the forces of Chaos and Order—has now been officially released in India and is available on the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store.
About the Game
Set in the mysterious land of Ereo, players, known as "Kyoks," enter an immersive battleground propelled by the forces of Chaos and Order. Players select one of eight distinct elemental Titans and construct a deck of scrolls to plan their battles. In the game's real-time 1v1 matches, players must manage their Titan's energy, known as "Mana," and HP while doing damage with scrolls. Victory depends on smart decisions, such as decreasing the opponent's HP or exhausting their scroll deck.
Commenting on the launch, Adi Abili, Head of Reign of Titans, said, “Reign of Titans is here to make an impact in India. We’ve spent considerable time and effort to deliver the best version of our game, one that’s fun for everyone and offers a new opportunity for players looking to make a name for themselves in esports.”
New sign-ups will get a welcome loot box to give them a head start in deciding their strategy. So, download the game today from the Google Play Store or the App Store and start climbing the leaderboards!the Google